Call for Papers
Deadline for Submission:
January 31st, 2019
The 2019 Northwest Cybersecurity Symposium is an opportunity for researchers, government agency representatives, and business professionals to come together to discuss the cybersecurity challenges we face in the Northwest. We seek paper submissions from academia, industry, and government describing innovative research, case studies, and best practices on all practical and theoretical aspects of cybersecurity.
Examples of possible topics include:
Network Security
Secure Coding Practices
Software Analysis
Security Policies
Privacy and Anonymity
Sociological and Behavioral Aspects of Security and Privacy
Critical Infrastructure Security
Industrial Control System Security
Economic Impacts of Security
Transportation System Security
Power Grid/ Smart Grid Security
System Security Case Studies
Situational Awareness
Computer and Network Forensics
Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering
Cybersecurity Education and Training
Guidelines for Authors
Authors are kindly requested to submit previously unpublished works that are relevant to the conference topics, complying with the following rules:
Six to eight pages in length, including citations and graphics
Written and presented in English
Anonymized for peer review in a double blind process
Formatting instructions and template available at: http://www.acm.org/publications/ proceedings-template
Authors should use “sigconf” to format their papers
All submissions will be reviewed by at least three independent reviewers. After presentation at the conference, accepted papers will be published in the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series database.
One full attendee registration is required for each paper. Registration fees include admission to all technical sessions, welcome reception, coffee breaks, lunches, gala dinner, and access to documentation. A reduced rate for student registration is available to bona fide students when accompanying someone holding a paid registration at the full rate.
English is the working language of the conference. All printed material, presentations, and discussions shall be in English.
Venue Information
New in 2018, the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s Discovery Hall is a collaboration-rich environment where our researchers gather with academic and industrial partners. It is a modern venue to generate new ideas and solve complex problems in the areas of scientific discovery, energy resiliency, and national security. Discovery Hall is located at 650 Horn Rapids Road, Richland, WA. Free parking is available at the facility.
Lodging information in nearby Richland is available at the conference website, www.CyberSecuritySymposium.org